Thursday, 29 September 2011

22nd July 2011

Well, decided to service the front forks, as I had re fitted the yokes the other day, the old bearings were ok, so fresh grease was enough.
Took the forks in to Owen Cherrels, as the bolts at the bottomwere incredibly tight and seized, and I would have only ended up damaging them and probably me in the process.
Left them there hoping they would remove said bolts and fit seals, then I could do the rest myself, clean out, new oil etc.
Rang me tonight to say they'd done the lot, seals new oil cleaned out....£90 bloody quid!!!
I was hoping for £50 tops, that's all I wanted doing...jesus, why can't people listen!!!
Ah well, it's done now, so tomorrow I will have 2 brand new forks, and 90 quid less in the bank!!
Ought to go to bed and turn the computer off to save money now!

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