Sunday, 23 October 2011

Quiet days

Well, today, Sunday, has been a pretty quiet day on the bike front. Not done much as I am now waiting (again) for parts.

I have got a new oil filter coming, a master cylinder re-build kit, and a brake lever pivot bolt + nut.
Stripped the master cylinder, and it was completely yuck inside! Have replaced the rubber brake line with a stainless braided one, which was on the original piece of scrap that I bought!! One of the few (Very few) parts that were worth keeping.
The caliper looks to be in excellent condition, and is not seized at all. I will build up the brake, and see how things look, then I will maybe replace the seal and piston, but it looks like they are all good.
Have cleaned up the rear wheel today, no rot, just some surface rust on the spokes, which cleaned up well with a wire brush on the drill.
I also stripped the side stand that I bought, as I need to get my good mate Harry to do some grinding on it to make it useable. The leg supplied is way too short, but it looks possible to replace it with the original leg. Heres hoping!

We'll see what comes in the post tomorrow, and I'll update after that!

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